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Chat Rooms
Chat rooms come in all types and every interest. Christian chat rooms offer around the clock access to supportive, spiritual folks. Business chat rooms can be used to trade stock tips or other information. Gay, lesbian, and transgendered communities have found support and connection in online chat rooms. In many circles meeting that "special someone" in romance or singles chat rooms has become a very socially acceptable way to begin a relationship. Others create "families" or groups online made up of wolf dens or packs, vampires, or other fictional constructs.

In VPchat, each chat room is actually a web page, so members can make a chat room out of any page they find on the web. Create family, adult or even private chat rooms using the perfect web page background. Members can even create their own chat rooms using the free web space that automatically comes with membership. Don’t forget to publicize your room and events using VPchat’s Activity Alerts!

VPchat has tons of chat rooms from which to choose:

Regional chat rooms: Australia, East Coast, Florida, Japan, Midwest, New York, New Zealand, Texas, The South, United Kingdom
Interest chat rooms: Gaming, Christian Room, Computers, Football, Geneology, Home and Garden, Pagan Chatroom, VP Paint Shop
Peer chat rooms: 50 plus, Grandparents, 20ish, 30ish, 40ish, African American, Asian Chatroom, Guy Talk, Married Life, Night Walkers, Pride Chatroom, Women's Lounge
General chat rooms: Get Away, Happy Hour, Help Desk, Just Chillin', Night Sky, The Café, The Lounge, Welcome
Chat event rooms: Brain Games, Film Trivia, Music Trivia, Page Mania, Paint Brush Draw, Poetry, Psychic Lounge, Science Fiction Trivia, TV Trivia, Tech Talk, Totally Useless Trivia, Trivial Chase

Taking a virtual tour with friends is like inviting everyone you know to hop on board the company jet and head on out to Vegas for a lost weekend. Ok, not really. However, you can surf the Internet and chat either privately or publicly with your pals along the way. All you do is gather a group together on a Tour Avatar, and wherever you go to chat, they’ll follow.

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