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Who are you? An ancient question, and easily answered on VPchat. You are your avatar. You are an image that you choose. When you’re in a chat room, you use a small picture like those above to represent yourself. You can choose from a selection of specialty avatars that come with the chat program or you can customize your own by simply making a .gif file and saving it to your avatar gallery. Make one of your favorite movie star, sports figure, or place—it’s up to you!

Megaheads are basically large avatars. The Megahead program is designed to work with Halsoft VP Chat. You must download the Megahead VP program on your computer for the Megahead program to work. Graphics for use as megaheads must be 102x116 non-interlaced GIFs.

Gestures are files you send to the whole chat room. They consist of graphics and sound, and like just about everything else in VPchat, they’re completely customizable. A selection of stock gestures, such as a wave, a wink, and a kiss, are included with the chat software.

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