We hold training sessions for potential guides on an ongoing basis.
Training for the guide program consists of a minimum of 4 training sessions, each being approximately
3-4 hours in length. One complete training sequence covers approximately 2 weeks including 2 days minimum in class each week.
All classes must be attended. Extra days may be required. Additionally each candidate trains in the client for a minimum of 10 hours. Extra hours may be required.
Guides must commit to guiding 5 hours per week, plus 2 weekend hours per month. All candidates must have been a Halsoft account owner in good standing for 3 or more months.
If you want to be a guide, send us an email convincing us that you should have a spot in the next training sequence to training@vpchat.com. Please include the following information:
Real name
VPchat account number
All chat names used in the last 6 months beginning with the most recent chat name used
Valid return email address
Are you the owner of the account that your names are on:
If you are the owner, how long
If not, who is the owner
Time of day you are normally in VPchat, your time zone and country